Pure and Simple Dirty Rock N’ Roll.
Its what Suede Arcade have been doing for a long time. Its taken over 5 years, 2 trips to the national battle of the band finals, 184 line up changes and numerous incidents up and down the country (including the "snow on the Xmas tree" extinguisher scandal) for Suede Arcade to get their act together.
But now, its finally here folks. Suede Arcade are releasing their debut E.P! The release party will be a night of fine debauchery at The Dux Live on Friday the 25th of May, with very special guests Anthesiac and Stonehurst.
The current line up has been together for near on 4 years now, doing what they do best. For the uninitiated, Suede Arcade are a formidable live presence. Its been said time and time again their live shows are rock n roll chaos that is not to be missed. To quote a member of a rival band, "Sweet Jesus, you guys keep getting heavier, but theres still this massive groove to your sound"
Doctor Dave of PawnRaid Studios has done a superb job of capturing Suede Arcades live sound, and refining it into a recording all the boys are bloody proud of.
Keep an eye out, because Suede Arcade are just getting started. With an album already in the works to follow the E.P its safe to say theres plenty of life left in the old boys of Christchurch Rock n Roll!
E.P Available from the 25th of May, if you are looking to get your hot little hands on a copy come down to the Dux on the night or contact Suede Arcade on facebook.
Suede Arcade EP Release Party
w/ Anthesiac and Stonehurst
Dux Live
Friday 25 May 2012
8pm Free