Taipei Teahouse n. 1 a place where political allegiances and social rank were said to have been temporarily suspended in favour of honest and rational discourse. 2. Indie-tronica duo from Christchurch, New Zealand
Billy Mills and Kerry Coulshed a.k.a taipei teahouse, formed in 2013. Based in Christchurch, New Zealand, they make music using Ableton Live software combining midi instruments with live vocals, keys, bass and guitar. Billy is a full time student and front man of Christchurch rock band Imaginary Blues Machine. Kerry is a student at CPIT jazz school and part time educator.
Themes? Often inspired by literary or political influences and also, life. Tracks from their debut EP cover topics of multinational greed, psychological entrapment and oppression of women under the Taliban regime…..there’s an honest love song in there too though! They are currently collaborating with a film maker in Afghanistan in the making of a music video for their track “Beautiful Beast”. It’s a unique creative project between the two countries and particularly topical in the current political climate.
Musical influences? Combined, they are influenced by almost all genres from punk to pop. “We have well defined roles in this. I write the lyrics and come with the initial melody and a few harmony ideas. I always have a sense of the emotion I want the song to portray but am open for it to evolve as our ideas merge. Billy adds his musicianship and production expertise and songs usually change and evolve quickly once we have a solid idea. Sometimes there is a lot of discussion and sometimes there is none. We’ve just found a way to work together and combine our different strengths. It’s easy, most of the time….Billy might not agree though!”
Their debut EP is due for release on the first day of New Zealand Music month 2014: Thursday May 1st and is available from Bandcamp and iTunes"We're 'releasing' our debut EP.....a selection of tracks we worked on in 2013 that need to be let loose to glide among the airwaves.... and make room for more writing. We very much hope you enjoy them!" Any money raised will go directly to the “Beautiful Beast Project”